Cry Macho Movie: Cry Macho is an upcoming English language Movie, directed by Clint Eastwood. This is an American neo-Western drama Movie. Starring Clint Eastwood, Dwight Yoakam, Eduardo Minett, Natalia Traven, Fernanda Urrejola, Horacio Garcia Rojas, Alexandra Ruddy, Ana Rey, Paul Lincoln Alayo and other in lead roles.
About ‘Cry Macho’ Movie
The plot follows a former rodeo star (Eastwood) who is hired by a young man (Eduardo Minette) in Mexico to return his father (Dwight Yoakam) to the United States. Attempts to turn the novel into a feature movie began when it was first published in 1975. The plot follows a former rodeo star (Eastwood) who is hired by a young man (Eduardo Minette) in Mexico to return his father (Dwight Yoakam) to the United States.
Cry Macho movie produced by David M. Bernstein, Clint Eastwood, Holly Hagy, Jessica Meier, Tim Moore and Albert S. Ruddy. This movie will be released on 17 September in America.
‘Cry Macho’ Movie – Official Trailer
- Al Ruddy
- Daniel Grodnik
- Jessica Meier
- Tim Moore
- Clint Eastwood
N. Richard Nash
Mark Mancina
United States
Clint Eastwood
Neo-Western film
Release Date
17 Sep 2021
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‘Cry Macho’ Movie production
In October 2020, it was reported that Eastwood would produce, direct and star in the movie for Warner Bros. Images, using a Nash screenplay with additional contributions by Nick Schenk, who previously worked with Eastwood in Gran Torino (2008) and The Mule (2018). Principal photography begins on November 4, 2020 in Albuquerque, New Mexico with cinematographer Ben Davis.
Filming in the state moved to Socorro County on November 16 and ended on November 30. In December 2020, filming took place in Belen, New Mexico, where Montano’s family restaurant was converted into a cafe for the shoot. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, crew members had to follow various safety protocols while working on the sets, such as social distancing, wearing masks and being tested for the virus on a daily basis.
Filming concluded on 15 December 2020, a day ahead of schedule. Two days after, it was revealed that Fernanda Urrezzola would star in the movie as “the boy’s mother”, and Eduardo Minette Eastwood. With Dwight Yoakam, Natalia Traven and Horacio García Rojas in supporting roles. According to the New Mexico State Film Office, filming locations also include the counties of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Sierra and Valencia.
It was also reported that the project included 250 crew members, 10 supporting cast members, and more than 600 background additions from New Mexico, and would also star Alexandra Rudy, Ana Ray, and Paul Lincoln Alayo. During post-production, editing was completed by Joel and David Cox, with music composed by Mark Mancina for Watertower Music.