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Great Cuisine of India in Centralia Sees Drop in Business But Presses On
2020-04-01 21:45

Great Cuisine of India in Centralia Sees Drop in Business But Presses On

Editor’s Note: The Chronicle is working to assist local businesses suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 virus spread and associated government orders to close or limit commerce. There will

2020-04-01 18:53

How Will India's New Digital Tax Impact American Tech Companies?

Reuters reports that last week, India passed 2020-21 budget amendments that included a 2% tax on foreign billings for digital services that will increase compliance headaches for companies like Alphabet GOOGL, Facebook FB and Amazon AMZN. The tax goes into effect from April 1, i

India’s Coronavirus Lockdown Leaves Vast Numbers Stranded and Hungry
2020-03-30 00:30

India’s Coronavirus Lockdown Leaves Vast Numbers Stranded and Hungry

The sudden shutdown of businesses has upended the lives of millions of migrant laborers in Indian cities. More than a dozen migrants have died, and anger is rising.

Professional services firms go slow on hiring - Times of India
2020-04-01 09:09

Professional services firms go slow on hiring - Times of India

India Business News: Professional services and consultancy firms that had planned to recruit many thousands in India are likely to hit the slow lane, with the global econo

2020-04-01 18:53

How Will India's New Digital Tax Impact American Tech Companies?

India doesn't want to pass up the opportunity, but how much of a loss is it for tech companies?

2020-03-26 05:02

COVID-19 slams tech outfits and startups in India | ZDNet

Most vulnerable are wage-earners working for rideshare companies or manufacturing plants who have no safety net.

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